PDW believes that strategic partnerships are the foundation for success.
For this reason, we have been very selective in ensuring we partner with the right companies who are non-competing and compliment one another.
We propose to enter into a reciprocal agreement where we refer suitable clients to one another.
- Logo on our ‘updated’ website (including links to company’s website)
- Logo in our Workbooks under ‘lists of partners’
- ‘Shout outs’ at our:
- Live Events & Seminars
- 3 Day Workshops
- Apprentice Development Master Classes
- Newsletter – Blogs
- Our ‘Information Folder’ to all attendees may include our part-ner’s:
- Brochures
- Business Cards
- Special Offers or Promotions
- Invitation to any upcoming partner events
- Special rates for workshops for Partners Client’s
- Referrals from PDW database and new enquiries
- Partners Blogs on PDW website with their contact details with call to action
- Opportunity for Partners to present at our Intro Seminars, Workshops and Masterclasses as an expert in the field
- Free attendance of a representative of our Partners Firm to our 3 Day Workshop
- Invitations to PDW VIP Events & Exclusive Partners Events—Great Networking Opportunities
- Free copies of signed ‘Build’ Book by Jim Castagnet to distribute to clients as gifts
- Partner Interviews / Q&A’s used on PDW blogs, website, case studies
- Ongoing referrals when opportunity presents. May be verbally, via email or offering business cards or brochure as needed
- Special events exclusively for our partners
- Refer current clients to PDW as they see fit
- PDW to be featured in newsletters and/or blogs
- Jim Castagnet is welcoming the opportunity to speak at partner events or client’s events
- Distribute brochures, information or links to any clients they feel would benefit from the information
- PDW logo / blog on our Partners website with links to our website
- Each partner will be issued with a unique code for all referrals registering online so we can keep track
The Property Development Workshop was established in 2004. We specialise in teaching entrepreneurs how to create private wealth through property development.
We cater for people who have a deep passion for property and who want to create wealth developing property. Typically, consists of already successful entrepreneurs and professionals who are looking for new opportunities and our goal is to transform them into successful property developers.
New and potential Property Developers, Entrepreneurs, Homeowners thinking of developing or selling their property for development, small business owners.
Jim Castagnet, experienced Developer as well as seven other industry experts includ-ing: Property Lawyer, Architect, Finance Specialist, Town Planners, Valuer, Quantity Surveyor and Property Developer who are all exclusively selected to share their knowledge and expertise.
Sydney, Melbourne and expanding to Brisbane in the near future.
- Inability to raise funds
- Lack of knowledge
- Lack of support or the right team behind them
At the Workshops, Jim provides his students with a blueprint for developing property which he has used successfully since 1998. He calls it the 7 Phase Process for developing property and once mastered, it can be applied over and over to create wealth. These 7 phases are:
- Sourcing, negotiating and acquiring the most lucrative development sites off market
- Getting Legal Structures & Documentation right
- Funding developments using little or none of your own money
- Obtaining Development Approvals quickly and efficiently
- Managing the Construction Process to deliver a quality project on time and on budget
- Sales & Marketing strategies to maximize profit
- Exit strategies that mitigate risks and create wealth